The “Poor People’s Campaign and its connection to local control 50 years later

MLK Day Speech, Kendra Brooks Prepared for POWER’s A People’s Call to Action January 15, 2018   Four years ago, my community won a fight for public education in this city. This was a fight between the haves and the have-nots for control of a community treasure — a “school”– Edward T. Steel school. SinceContinue reading “The “Poor People’s Campaign and its connection to local control 50 years later”

Councilwoman Gym’s statement on the Board of Ethics Settlement with Mastery Charter

“Last school year, the School Reform Commission approved Mastery’s bid to take over the Wister School in an unprecedented 11th hour move that went against the recommendation of Superintendent Hite. Now we know that Mastery engaged in an expensive lobbying campaign to ensure that result, in the process tearing apart a community and subjecting schoolContinue reading “Councilwoman Gym’s statement on the Board of Ethics Settlement with Mastery Charter”

Thank You to Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia

It was an honor to speak for the clients of PILCOP during their Annual Gala –  A Celebration of Civil Rights. The work that is being done here is vital to ensuring civil rights are being addressed, inequities corrected, and inclusion for all. Here are my remarks: Thank you for the opportunity to speak withContinue reading “Thank You to Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia”

How crazy were school closings cheerleaders? As crazy as you thought

(This post originally appeared at the Public School Notebook. We thank our attorneys at the Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia, especially Ben Geffen and Michael Churchill, for their multi-year dedication to this effort.) What could possibly justify the closing of Northeast High School, the largest school in the city and each year bursting atContinue reading “How crazy were school closings cheerleaders? As crazy as you thought”

Parents United wins school closings FOIA case (again) but it’s not over yet

This summer the Court of Common Pleas upheld our right to make public the list of 60 schools identified for closure by the Boston Consulting Group as part of the District’s 2012 “Transformation Plan. ” This is the second victory on this case for Parents United and our lawyers at the Public Interest Law Center. InContinue reading “Parents United wins school closings FOIA case (again) but it’s not over yet”