Building Safety: COVID and Reopening Philly Schools

View a video of the Facebook Live recording of the webinar.

Read our open letter from summer 2020 about the reopening plan, in which we address the original plan and the long history that informs the way that students, families, and educators have responded.

Action Steps:

FIRST: Tweet at your city councilperson and other elected officials and ask them to sign on to this letter with Councilpersons Gym, Brooks, Gauthier, and Green, and state reps Krajewski, Rabb, and Fiedler.


Our demands are:

  1. Every school room that will have kids, teachers or staff in it for any purpose must have its ventilation plan and other safety measures approved by PFT;
  2. Every school staff member who wants or needs to be vaccinated can do so before going back into the classroom;
  3. There is a clear COVID testing and contact tracing protocol laid out for parents, teachers and others that reflects the current best practices and up to date guidance based on new variants and that allows for the fast release of data and information about COVID rates within and across schools once buildings reopen;
  4. Immediate changes to district and Board of Education processes and policies that allow for increased transparency, two-way communication, and real community engagement moving forward.

If you’d like to keep in touch with us ongoing about this and other issues, here is how: