The “Poor People’s Campaign and its connection to local control 50 years later

MLK Day Speech, Kendra Brooks Prepared for POWER’s A People’s Call to Action January 15, 2018   Four years ago, my community won a fight for public education in this city. This was a fight between the haves and the have-nots for control of a community treasure — a “school”– Edward T. Steel school. SinceContinue reading “The “Poor People’s Campaign and its connection to local control 50 years later”

Statement on the Dissolution of the School Reform Commission

  Parents United for Public Education celebrates Mayor Kenney’s announcement that the School Reform Commission will dissolve, returning our public schools to local control. We applaud the Mayor for joining grassroots parents, students, and teachers of Philadelphia by standing on the right side of history. This is a historic victory for the wellbeing and dignityContinue reading “Statement on the Dissolution of the School Reform Commission”